Our Team

Our team consists of experienced scientists, physicists and business people who have already successfully founded startups Together, we want to help shape a more sustainable and better world. We work very closely with university research institutions.


Dr. Thomas Noll

Graduate Physicist
Managing Director

Bernhard Puttke

Graduate Physicist

Our Vision

Climate policy requires transformation!

Decarbonization by 2050 requires energy sources that are CO2-neutral and available in almost any quantity. Naware shortens the path to decarbonization and makes an important contribution to limiting the rise in temperature.

The sun delivers 10,000 times the value of humanity's primary energy needs to the earth's surface. The ocean is an almost infinite store of solar energy, which will become exploitable in the future with Naware Power Plants.

Our Concept

UGE produces renewable energy from the sea, at prices comparable to fossil fuels.

In the UGE process, thermal energy from the sea is converted by a turbine into electrical energy, which is used in a closed process to produce hydrogen, which in turn is synthesized with CO2 from the air to produce CO2-neutral methanol.

A 100 MW UGE Power Plant can produce up to 70,000 tons of green methanol per year. The focus is on green methanol for the chemical industry and shipping. Ships can refuel with methanol directly at a UGE Power Plant at sea and transport the methanol on to the chemical industry.

For methanol production, CO2 can be extracted from the air and/or exhaust gases, thus making an important contribution to decarbonizing the earth's atmosphere.

UGE sees itself as a green entrepreneur in order to make countries and states independent of energy imports.

UGE Power Plants do not need fossil fuels and are in harmony with nature.

Our Commitment

Energy gives rise to prosperity and progress within societies. As a business enterprise, we want to contribute to a fairer and cleaner world.

As an entrepreneurial company, sales and profits are a means to an end for us — and not an end in themselves. We are committed to a clean environment and prosperity for all.

The eradication of poverty in emerging countries is an important driver for our entrepreneurial activities.
